
About SkookumLogger

SkookumLogger is a contest logging program for macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later. The app is self-contained, except that you will need to install drivers for your serial hardware if it uses a type of USB-serial adapter not supported by macOS. Release and latest beta versions are available on the downloads page.

The SkookumLogger Guide documents everything about SkookumLogger. The guide is available in the Help menu. You can interact publicly with me and other users via the SkookumLogger group at

If you are experienced with other contest logging software, beware. SkookumLogger is not like Windows loggers, and you may become confused and frustrated. Consult the Introduction and Setup sections in the SkookumLogger Guide to get started. Also, ask questions on the SkookumLogger forum. Do not waste your time asking me for SkookumLogger to provide features you like in Windows loggers. Try ask the Windows logger authors to support macOS.

Some SkookumLogger Features

The SkookumLogger feature set is driven by a combination of my personal interests (HF CW contests) and requests from serious users.

Log Window

Note:This example log was created by importing the KC1XX Cabrillo log in order to leverage SkookumLogger's statistic reports. The score breakdown for the import exactly matches the score breakdown for the logger used during the contest (WinTest). SkookumLogger response to user input is unaffected even with this massive QSO total.

The boxes labeled Run and Pounce contains the logging data entry fields; for the two-radio operating configuration the boxes are labeled Radio 1 and Radio 2. These entry boxes enable interleaving QSOs, with the ability to type into either box while transmitting QSO information for the other box. The number of QSO entry fields depends on the contest rules. To complete a QSO, type a call into the Call field, tap spacebar or tab to navigate to the next field, tap the return key to add the QSO to your log. Call signs that are duplicates or multipliers are displayed with user-defined fonts and colors. The panes to the left of the QSO entry boxes shows partial-call completions with brackets that identify the source of the match.

The log table columns can be resized, reordered, and hidden/shown. The table can be sorted on any column. You can filter the log table on the Band, Call, Mode, Notes, Received, and Sent columns using the search field in the status area. The SQ (Suspect QSO) column contains a checkmark when the app thinks there is something wrong with the logged QSO — you can ask SkookumLogger to explain what is wrong with a selected SQ table row, or with all selected SQ table rows.


SkookumLogger has custom support for many radios, with support limited to features that matter for contesting. The supported radios as of version 5.1 are:









Every contest supported by SkookumLogger is either one that I operate myself, or one that a current user has asked for. I will add support for other CW/SSB contests on request from a user, as long as the rules are not too different from other contests. Please ask at least a month before the next event when making a request. But first, consider whether or not one of the Generic or Nontest contest modules listed below will be satisfactory for casual participation.

The supported events as of version 5.1 are:

ARRL Contests

CQ Contests

Generic Contests

Nontests (not adjudicated or not a contest)

Other A-H

Other I-O

Other P-T

Other U-Z

QSO Parties A-M

QSO Parties N-Z

RSGB HF Contests