SkookumLogger Downloads



Beta Release Notes

5.2 (40091) 2025-01-23

Repair broken repair in infoFieldGuessForQso that was intended to use archived value as guess if there is one and returns immediately.

Add status (worked/needed) filter to country/region checksheets.

Fix issue where updating log entry would clear all entries in country checksheet.

RadioConnectionSettings was using different preference keys for the same value (lanAddress and lanPort). Consequence was could not change my K4's IP address in the UI.

Mark Quebec/Ontario QSO parties as not supported in practice mode.

Fix crasher in CO QSO party practice mode reported by W1NV. There was not a clear place where a state/province was assigned to a callsign.

Apply patch from JH5GHM to only print fuzzy costs once.

Fix bug where wrong caller could spuriously call after MessageIDPracticeText message

Support practice for WFD (uses ARRL FD generator).

Do not blindly allow any contest with a serial number to user Generic Serial Practice Generator.

Do not allow any QSK potential between back-to-back messages from the TransmitStation.

Fix issue when changing the Great Map to a filename that already exists.

Replace use of ContestEventFactory and wired data in each contest class with calendar data from WA7BNM calendar. When calendar data is not available for a new log, the start date is set to the current date and the duration is set to two days.